Seeing Spots
8 6 3
10 9 5 4
K 9 7 5 4
9 7
A Q 7 3
Q 5
Q J 10 3 2
K 10 5 4
J 6
A J 8 4 2
8 6
A Q J 2
K 8 2
K 10 9 6 3
South |
West |
North |
East |
1 NT |
All Pass |
Our declarer today is
Matt Ginsberg's "GIB" program. GIB has some strange ideas about bidding,
including a tendency to open
1 NT rather often.
[ This was as of 1997 - GIB's bidding has improved since.]
West led the
♣ Q, and GIB could do no better or worse
than the average human, winning in hand.
Short of entries, GIB exited its hand with the
♦ 10,
which West won with the queen. East signaled, mysteriously,
with the
♦ 8. East's signal was going to prove costly under
the eagle eye of GIB.
West continued the
♣ J, which GIB won in dummy, pitching a
small heart from hand. GIB then took the spade finesse, which
won, and exited with the
♦ K, pitching a spade from dummy.
East won and led the
♥ J, GIB covered and West won
♥ A. West exited with the
♠ 9, on which
East contributed his king, and GIB won the ace. GIB was at this position:
GIB led the
♥ 8, and West very smoothly ducked. If West had
won the heart, he'd have to conceded four of the remaining tricks to dummy.
GIB then played
♦ 10, which East won.
East exited a spade, and GIB won the jack. When West failed to follow,
GIB "knew" exactly what East's remaining cards were,
found the endplay for the overtrick, throwing in East in with the
last spade.
East was forced to lead from his ♦ 4-2 into GIB's
♦ 6-3, giving GIB
an overtrick.
If East had ducked the
♦ 10, GIB was still going to make its
overtrick, by immediately playing the
♠ J-2, forcing
East to lead from
♦ J-4 into
♦ 6-3.