Mirror, Mirror
J 8 7
5 4 2
A J 2
A K 10 8
9 6 2
A Q 6
10 7 5
J 7 5 3
West |
North |
East |
South |
1 ♠ |
Pass |
1 NT |
Pass |
Pass |
Dbl |
Pass |
2 ♣ |
Pass |
Pass |
Dbl |
All Pass |
West led the
♥ J against this contract, and declarer won
♥ Q. Declarer cashed the
♣ A-K,
and East's
♣ Q fell, so
declarer finished pulling trumps with the
♣ J. That was fortunate.
It looks like declarer must lose a heart, three spades, and likely two
diamonds. Declarer, however, found another way. He cashed the
♥ A and exited a heart. The opponents could take their
major tricks, arriving at this position:
With the defenders on lead, it is difficult to keep declarer from
scoring three of the last four tricks. If they lead diamonds, declarer
can assure himself only one diamond loser, and if they lead a major,
declarer can pitch a diamond from one hand while ruffing the other
in dummy.
The defense can avoid this only if East has both diamond honors
and West leads diamonds twice before he is out of entries in the
This is a perfect example of how to play "mirror distributions."
Since the shapes of the North and South hands are exactly the same,
declarer has no way to score his last two trumps seperately. The
answer in this sort of hand is to engineer a throw-in.