Enter a hand:

Mobile Hand Evaluator



This is the mobile version of the interactive bridge evaluator.

To get started, click the

Enter a bridge hand




This is an intereactive bridge hand evaluator.


Enter your hand, click "evaluate," and it applies a number of evaluators to the hand.

Why doesn't it always let me evaluate?
  • The button will usually tell you why it is disabled. Additionally, if any holding is invalid, that holding's field will be marked in red.
  • Because this is currently a work in progress, where the code is changing, you might have to do a full reload. Hold down the shift key and hit the reload button.

To Do

  • Test in more browsers. The only mobile device I have is iOS, so if you use an Android, let me know if it works.
  • Possibly let user select evaluators.


Pure JavaScript and HTML
This means you can download this page and run it offline - no internet connection required to use this page.
Back and forward button
The browser back and forward buttons allow you to navigate back to previously evaluated hands.
Open source
The source code is int the GitHub repository: https://github.com/thomasoa/hand-evaluator-page.

Bugs and Requests

What to do when you find bugs? Please let me know! Two methods:

  • You can log bugs or request features on the GitHub issues page, or
  • Just email them to me at bridge AT thomasoandrews.com.


The Kaplan-and-Rubens evaluator.
The standard high card points sometimes called the Milton Work point count, where Ace=4, King=3, Queen=2, Jack=1.
Binky NT and Suit
"Binky points" are the result of my own personal research.
The Fifths evaluator is an evaluator which adjusts standard HCP slightly, removing one fifth from the value of kings and queens and adding two fifths for tens. It might or might not work better for determining whether to bid 3NT or not.
Alex Martelli's adjustment to work point count, which seems good for suit contracts. A=4.5, K=3, Q=1.5, J=0.75, T=0.25.
Closely related to losing trick count, Bissell's evaluation dates from 1936. (If you subtract Bissell from 39 and divide by three, you get a rough losing trick count.)