<< A Bad 3-3 Fit Bad Fit Deals An Ace-less 3-3 fit >>

Another Bad 3-3 Fit

A 7 4
5 2
8 5
A 10 8 6 4 2
K J 8 6
9 6 4
Q J 10
K 7 3
Q 10 2
K J 8 7
K 3 2
J 9 5
9 5 3
A Q 10 3
A 10 9 6 4
Again, holding only half the ponts, but the fortutous lie of heart honors and the complete flatness of the defensive hands allows North/South to make 4 .
A spade lead is won by the ace, and declarer finesses against the heart king and jack. Crossing back with the A, hearts are finessed again. Then a diamond is pitched from North on a third heart. Finally, the ace of diamonds is led, and then the minor suits are cross-ruffed for ten tricks.
<< A Bad 3-3 Fit
Thomas Andrews (bridge@thomasoandrews.com), © 1999-2014.
An Ace-less 3-3 fit >>
Article formatted with BridgeML.