Deal 3.1

A bridge hand generator

by Thomas Andrews

Latest version: 3.1.4

  • Easy to use for quick, simple dealing
  • Customizable output formats
  • Infinitely extensible via TCL
  • Easily portable to most platforms
  • Free (GNU public license)
  • Deal 3.1

    Information found on these pages:

    Things you can do with Deal:

    What is Tcl?

    Tcl, pronounced "tickle," stands for "Tool command language." If you are a Windows user, think of it as the Unix equivalent to Visual Basic. But, unlike Visual Basic, Tcl works on almost all operating systems, not just those made by Bill Gates.

    Tcl is used in a variety of different software, from testing tools to web software (AOL Server, Vignette) and, of most interest to bridge players, Floater, the free online bridge program.

    The people in charge of Tcl are Scriptics. But don't let their web site fool you - the basic software is free.

    Silhouette Thomas Andrews ( Copyright 1996-2008. Deal is covered by the GNU General Public License.

    Plane Dealing graphic above created using POV-Ray.