Helpful Defense
10 7 6 2
4 2
A J 9 7 5 2
J 8 4
9 5 4
K Q 7 3
10 4 3
A K 9 5
10 6
A 9 8 6
K 8 6
Q 3
A K Q J 8 3 2
J 10 5
South |
West |
North |
East |
1 ♥ |
Pass |
1 ♠ |
Pass |
3 ♥ |
All Pass |
West led the
♦ K, and continued with the
♦ Q.
West then shifted to a low spade; East won, and shifted to a heart.
This defense was less than optimal, and declarer, Robin Pleau (robyn on
OKbridge), used it to find a surprising overtrick. She won the trump shift
and ran her trumps, leading to this four-card end-position on the last
On the last trump, East thought a long time, then pitched the
♦ A, perhaps praying that his partner was
holding the
♦ J.
Robin cashed the now established
♦ J, and again East was
squeezed, forced to ungaurd yet another suit.
Of course, East's best pitch at the four-card end-position would have
been a club. Robin would get two clubs here, but would have to concede
a trick at the end to West's
♣ 10.
But in the above diagram, I've had West pitch perfectly. In reality,
West did not value his club cards, and pitched two of them on the
It was worth 71% to go plus on this board. The overtrick
gave Robin a clear top.