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A Subtle Pinch

South Deals
None Vul
A K 6 2
A J 6
Q J 4 2
9 2
10 9 7 4
K Q 10 3
K J 10 8
J 8
9 7 4 2
K 9 3
A 7 4 3
Q 5 3
8 5
A 10 8 7 5
Q 6 5
South West North East
Pass Pass 1 Pass
1 NT All Pass

West led an unfortunate Q, which declarer won in dummy. Declarer then finessed in diamonds, and ran diamonds. West had to find four pitches. The first three were two hearts and a club. But on the last diamond, West is stuck:
A K 6 2
J 6
9 2
10 9 7 4
K J 10
J 8
9 7
A 7 4 3
Q 5 3
Q 6 5
West cannot part with a spade, or the Q, so he must part with another club. Declarer can now lead a heart towards the jack, and East/West can only take two club tricks before conceding the rest.
Of course, this line fails when the spades were 3-3, but then West might pitch a spade. When West pitches the 10 or J, declarer might figure the hand out.
<< Double Trouble
Thomas Andrews (bridge@thomasoandrews.com), © 1995-2009.
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Article formatted with BridgeML.