The Prize
A 9 8
10 9 6 4
Q 7 4 3
K 6
Q 6 5 2
K 10 9 6
Q J 7
7 4 3
J 7 5 2
10 9 4 3 2
K J 10
Q 8 3
A 8 5 2
A 8 5
West |
North |
East |
South |
Pass |
1 ♦ |
Pass |
1 ♥ |
Pass |
1 NT |
All Pass |
West found an unfortunate spade lead, which had disasterous matchpoint
consequences. Moxie, my partner, won in hand and played the
♦ A and, noting East's
♦ J, ducked a diamond, West winning. West
made another fateful mistake, playing off two top hearts. He then
exited with the
♣ Q, won in dummy.
Moxie crossed to hand with the
♥ Q, and lead another diamond,
West playing his king. West exited the
♣ J, won by declarer.
The damage was already done.
Moxie scored three spades, one heart, two diamonds, and two clubs, for
eight tricks.
How much did that one trick gain? Here are the results from the board:
(1) 3H N -3 -300 0.0%
(2) 3H N -2 -200 3.5%
(3) 2D S -1 -100 8.9%
(4) 3NT N -1 -100 8.9%
(5-6) 1NT W +1 -90 14.3%
(7-11) 2D N +2 +90 26.8%
(12-14) 1NT W -1 +100 46.4%
(15-16) 2S W -1 +100 46.4%
(17-21) 2D N +3 +110 67.8%
(22) 2H N +2 +110 67.8%
(23) 3D N +3 +110 67.8%
(24) 1NT S +2 +120 82.1%
(25) 1NT-X W -1 +200 92.9%
(26-27) 2S W -2 +200 92.9%
(28) 2S-X W -1 +200 92.9%
(29) 2NT W -2 +200 92.9%
That one trick moved us from +90, or 27%, to +120, or 82%.