<< A Simple Positional Squeeze Interesting Bridge Hands A Simple Squeeze >>

A Grand Coup

South Deals
N-S Vul
A K J 3
8 7
A 9 8
A 9 8 2
4 2
10 4 2
K Q 10 7 2
South West North East
Pass Pass 1 1 Pass
1 1 Dbl2 Pass
2 3 Pass 3 4 Pass
4 5 Pass 5 All Pass
1. Playing 12-14 NT
2. Support double - showing exactly three diamonds and nothing else about the hand.
3. I don't know what to do, but I've got some extras.
4. I don't know what to do, either, but I also have extras.
5. Do club values help?

West led the A-K, then continued with a small heart, which I ruffed low in dummy. East followed to all three rounds, showing up with Q-J-3. It looks like East might find a heart lead after a more normal 1 NT - 3 NT auction, so we've found a good spot.
I started drawing trumps, playing the ace and the king, and West showed out on the second round. As usual, my opponents are playing above their level against me - if my left-hand opponent had not forced me to ruff in dummy, I could have taken care against the 4-1 trump split.
Well, there was nothing left to do but hope my RHO had at least three clubs and two spades. I played out my club winners from hand, both following to all three rounds, leading to this position:
A K J 3
x x x
J x
4 2
Q 10 7
I crossed to the A and ruffed the A, East pitching a spade. Then I crossed to the K, and with the lead in dummy at this trick:
J 3
J x
Q 10
I got the last two tricks.
Notice I could have overtaken the third club and ruffed a small club in my hand, but then if East had four clubs, this would technically be a simple trump coup, while ruffing the ace makes it a "Grand Coup." Indeed, you can't get any grander than ruffing your own ace.
<< A Simple Positional Squeeze
Thomas Andrews (bridge@thomasoandrews.com), © 1995-2009.
A Simple Squeeze >>
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